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Microsoft Office Click To Run

카테고리 없음

by distrinkeypus1974 2020. 1. 24. 10:44


Microsoft Office Click To Run

Apr 14, 2019 - Document - Pinned Start Menu and taskbar Microsoft Office click-to-run items are being restored with custom AppUserModelIds in merge mode.


HI There,I have a HP pavilion laptop running windows 8.1 and office 2013.Things have been fine from Feb to until Nov this year, after which point I noticed the mouse cursor showing the busy revolving circle all the time, performance was reduced and the computer sounded like it was constantly working.I traced the problem to the Microsoft office Click-to-run process running with high CPU (5+%) and memory (50+mb). If I restarted the click-to-run service the use of computer resources dropped to minimal and the problems described in the first paragraph disappeared.Unfortunately as time has gone on an error occurs when trying to stop the click-to-run process so the above restart fix does not work and the longer the laptop is on the worse the performance gets.I have reinstalled office twice, I hace clicked the office repair option and searched the web for a solution all to no avail.Please can somebody help find a solution as it is driving me mad and making my new laptop unusable. BTW my partner has a similar laptop setup with no issues.Kind RegardsBob.


Hi There,I solve my problem.Symptoms:. Process Office 15 click-to-run running constantly 20% CPU. Process MSOSYNC (document cache) 0% CPU and still restarting (on bacground)The main problem is Document cache, because process MSOSYNC is not loaded and any orange tray icon (with arrow) as Office document cache in task bar is not visible.How to solve this problem:1.

Microsoft Office Click To Run Vs Msi

Disable service click-to-run (in services - set disabled)2. Restart computer (click-to-run will be not loaded)3. Open C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalMicrosoftOfficeSpw and delete all files4. Open C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice15.0OfficeFileCache and delete all files5. Enable service click-to-run (set automatic)6.

Microsoft Office Click To Run Reddit

Restart computerThe problem is solved - for me.

Microsoft Office Click To Run